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June 1st, 2022 by

National Standards for Independent and Semi-independent Provision for Looked-after Children and Care Leavers Aged 16 and 17.

The Proposed National Standards

Gov UK state: ‘This standard should enable a young person to have confidence in the organisation providing their accommodation and support, and the people responsible for running it.’


The Purpose and Intent Statement

The registered provider must ensure that a clear statement (the purpose and intent statement) of the core aims, purpose and function of the service is produced, updated, reviewed regularly and accessible to all interested parties.

The purpose and intent statement should include:

  • A statement of the overall aims of the service, and the objectives to be achieved with regard to the young people accommodated there. This should include details such as age range, gender and the numbers of young people the accommodation is to be provided for. This statement should also explore how the provider intends to manage the different risks young people in the setting present to one another, and ensure matching issues are considered in the admission of young people.
  • A statement of the facilities and services that will be provided for the young people who are accommodated at the service.
  • The name and address of the registered provider.
  • The registered provider’s name and their qualifications and experience.
  • The number, relevant qualifications and experience of staff working at the service.
  • The arrangements for the supervision, training and development of staff.
  • The organisational structure of the company.
  • The arrangements in place for the management of referral and admission to the service, including emergency admissions.
  • Information regarding the provider’s ethos, the outcomes they seek to achieve and their approach to ensure this.
  • The arrangements are in place to protect and promote the physical and mental health needs of young people at the service.
  • The arrangements are in place to support the development of skills that will enable the young person’s transition into independence.
  • The arrangements are in place to promote the young person’s involvement in education, training and employment.
  • The arrangements are in place to ensure a young person is fully aware of their entitlements.
  • A description of the accommodation, offered by the service, including how the accommodation meets the accommodation standards.
  • Details of who should be contacted if the individual has a complaint about the service, and how they can access the relevant complaints policy.


Standards for Leadership and Management

Each individual service must have an allocated person who will take accountabilities for all elements of the service delivery. This allocated person must:

  • Enable, inspire and lead a culture that enables young people to reach their potential, build the skills to live with independence and promote their welfare.
  • Lead the service in a way that’s consistent with the approach, and ethos and delivers the outcomes outlined in the statement of purpose.
  • Ensure that all young people in the service are aware of their entitlements and are encouraged to access them.
  • Ensure staff operate as a team where appropriate.
  • Ensure staff maintain the experience, qualifications and skills required to tend to the needs of each young person.
  • Ensure the service has sufficient staff to support and accommodate young people safely and effectively.
  • Demonstrate the practise is informed and improved by considering and acting on feedback relating to young people’s experiences and the impact of the service. Providing a monitoring and review system will allow room for continuous improvements in the quality of the support.


Notification of a Serious Event

In the event of a young person’s death, must immediately notify:

  • HMCI (Ofsted),
  • The placing authority,
  • The local authority in whose area the supported accommodation is located,
  • Every other relevant person.

If there is a referral of a person working in the home pursuant to section 35 (Regulated activity providers: duty to refer) of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (1), the responsible person must immediately inform:

  • HMCI (Ofsted),
  • The placing authority,
  • Each other relevant person.

The registered provider must notify HMCI (Ofsted) and each other relevant person immediately if:

  • A young person is involved or suspected of being subjected to sexual or criminal exploitation,
  • An incident requiring police involvement,
  • An allegation of abuse against the service or a person working there.

Any notification made must include details, confirmed in writing:

  • The matter,
  • The other persons or bodies/organisations who have been notified,
  • Any action that was taken by the responsible person considering the matter.


The Protection Standard

This standard should guarantee that young people feel safe and that their needs are met. The protection standard is to ensure all young people are protected from harm, enabled to keep themselves safe and that their individual needs are met. The responsible person must ensure that:

  • Staff have the necessary skills to identify and act upon signs a child is at risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, or other risk factors that may cause a young person harm, and act to reduce this as efficiently and effectively as possible.
  • Staff work in collaboration with young people, ensuring they understand how to keep safe and offer guidance and support.
  • The accommodation and all accessible areas of the service are designed, furnished, and maintained to remove avoidable hazards.
  • A location risk assessment is undertaken, with a focus on any potential safeguarding concerns and the accessibility to local services.
  • The service’s child protection policies are monitored regularly.


Workforce Plan

The protection standard requires the responsible individual to ensure that a workforce plan is in place, establishing clear expectations on the employment and recruitment of all staff, and must include statements that confirm:

  • The responsible person has undertaken a fit and proper person assessment.
  • Every individual involved in delivering a service to young people has been subject to an enhanced DBS check.
  • That recruitment policies have been developed to ensure the safeguarding of young people through conducting pre-employment checks.
  • The management and staffing structure, the experience and qualifications of staff working within the service and any further training required for those staff. Staff must understand the roles and responsibilities assigned to them in relation to protecting young people.
  • The processes and agreed timescales for staff to complete their induction, probation and any core training, including safeguarding, health and safety qualifications.
  • How to recognise, manage and improve poor performance.
  • The process and timescales for supervision and monitoring of practice.
    Details of how information is recorded, in line with any other applicable legislation.


Location Assessments

The protection standard requires the registered provider to ensure that a location assessment has been completed and has identified the local area as a suitable location for the type of service provided. This location risk assessment should consider:

  • Publicly available local data, including local crime rates and the availability of amenities and services.
  • Consultation with appropriate local services, including police, local authority’s children’s services, clinical commissioning groups and other relevant parties.

This information should be used to produce a full risk assessment which also includes any relevant risk mitigation strategies to reduce any potential risks.


Accommodation Standards

This standard should ensure that young people experience a comfortable and secure environment. The accommodation standard is to guarantee that the accommodation and physical premises used for the purpose of providing supported accommodation for young people:

  • Complies with all relevant aspects of legislation, ensuring the service is designed, furnished and maintained to remove hazards.
  • Is suitable for its stated purpose, is accessible, safe and secure and is well maintained.
  • Offers a therapeutic and positive environment for the young person, while ensuring their comfort and respecting their privacy.
  • Is adequately insured.

The standard requires the responsible person to:

  • Ensure each young person is provided with a bedroom or self-contained area that is lockable and equipped to meet their lifestyle and needs.
  • There is a space within each bedroom for the young person to store personal possessions.
  • A comfortable space is provided, either for shared or private use in line with the service’s statement of purpose.
  • Where a young person does not have access to essentials such as bedding, personal hygiene and eating utensils, these will be provided by the service.
  • Each young person is presented with a written agreement in an accessible format that outlines their rights, the terms and conditions of the service and how they can lodge a complaint.
  • An adequate standard of décor and furnishings are maintained throughout the home, including in bedrooms.
  • The building is compliant with all relevant health and safety legislation and fire regulations.
  • Appropriate security checks and measures are in place to maintain a safe service for young people.
  • Appropriate arrangements are in place for young people to access help in a crisis or emergency, 24 hours a day.
  • A written statement is available that establishes the protocol about any incidents of criminal or violent behaviour at the service.
  • An adequate level of insurance is provided for the service, the staff and the young people using the service.


The Support Standard

This standard should ensure that young people experience high quality, tailored support. The support standard is to ensure that all young people using the service receive individual and tailored support. The support package should be appropriate to a young person’s needs, promote and support their independence and clearly identify the services that contribute to meeting their needs.

The standard requires the responsible person to ensure:

  • Young people are encouraged and enabled to take a lead role in the support they receive.
  • Support plans are created from initial referral information, and consultation with the young person and take account of other existing plans for the young person.
  • An information pack containing relevant information about the service is available for young people accommodated at the service.
  • A formal plan is in place to support a young person to move on when ready for their own independence, and that support is available to assist them with this transition.
  • The service is conducted in a way that is compliant with equality legislation and promotes the young person’s rights.
  • The service engages with other organisations and community services to encourage and enable young people to obtain a range of services.
  • Young people are enabled to maintain appropriate and safe relationships with family and friends.
  • Young people participate in and influence how the service operates.