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October 18th, 2023 by

Ofsted’s Supported Accommodation: What We Know So Far

In our March blog post, we discussed the implementation of Ofsted regulations in Supported Accommodation (formerly known as Semi-Independent Living) as well as timescales for registry and proposed inspections in the new year. In this post we’re going to provide updates on the current state of Supported Accommodation for Young People (SAYP) and clarify some important deadlines. 

After the release of quality standards on March 23rd, Ofsted released their deadline for supported accommodation providers currently supporting young people (16-17) i.e. already existing Semi-Independent Living provisions, to register with Ofsted by 28 October 2023. After this date, it is an offence to provide Supported Accommodation without having a registration accepted by Ofsted as complete. This does not apply to new provisions that are yet to provide Supported Accommodation to young people. 

In July Ofsted launched a consultation for inspecting Supported Accommodation, providing the sector an opportunity to share its views on how supported accommodation should be inspected. The consultation (including views from children and young people) ran from 10 July to 8 September 2023 and will inform inspections starting April 2024. Ofsted is currently undertaking pilot inspections on a small number of registered providers across all categories of Supported Accommodation before publishing inspection guidance in spring. This consultation on Ofsted’s proposals for inspecting Supported Accommodation will be a vital insight into the future of supporting young people in their transition to independence and the arrangements for the inspection of provisions. As of today, Ofsted is still working on publishing the outcome but it will be available soon; for updates, click here

"We are committed to getting the regulatory balance right. We will act sensibly and proportionally, but we will always have high expectations for children. Supported accommodation should be caring, kind and nurturing. We will continue to engage with children, young people, providers and others as we develop our proposals for inspection."
Yvette Stanley
National Director Regulation and Social Care

If you’re thinking of beginning the registry process, Ofsted has a comprehensive guide to registering a Supported Accommodation service. This process is broken up into 3 stages: 

  1. Application forms and any required documents
  2. Local authority and professional checks, references
  3. Ofsted visit and interviews
We’ve briefly outlined the process below but please see Ofsted’s guide for a detailed breakdown

Involves completing two forms: ‘Apply to register a children’s social care service’ (SC1) and ‘Connect to a children’s social care service’ (SC2)

The SC1 form ‘Apply to register a children’s social care service’ consists of the following sections: 

  • About your business
  • Holding company or subsidiary details (if relevant) 
  • Financial interests in other children social care services 
  • Previous applications and registrations 
  • About your service (including premise details) 
    • Location risk assessment *available on ClouDoc*
  • Roles of responsibility 
  • Financial information (unless you are a local authority or health authority) 
  • Policies
    • Statement of purpose *available on ClouDoc*
    • Equalities policy *available on ClouDoc*
    • Young person’s guide *available on ClouDoc*
    • Contingency plan *available on ClouDoc*
    • Safeguarding policy *available on ClouDoc*
    • Complaints policy *available on ClouDoc*
    • Missing child policy *available on ClouDoc*
    • Behaviour management policy *available on ClouDoc*
  •  Other documents 
      • Business plan 
      • Cash-flow forecast 
      • Annual Report and accounts 
      • A copy of certificate of insurance 

The SC2 form ‘Connect to a supported accommodation service’ consists of the following sections: 

  • About your social care service 
  • Your role 
  • Eligibility to work with children 
  • Suitability to work with children 
  • Previous applications you or your organisation has made (including refused or withdrawn applications) 
  • Previous registrations (including cancelled registrations) 
  • Your personal details 
  • Your financial history (if you are applying to be a nominated individual, or are a partner or owner of your service) 
  • Your financial interests
  • Your business interests 
  • Your skills and experience 
  • Your employment history 
  • Details of your referees 
  • Documents 
    • Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate 
    • Health declaration form 
    • Suitability questionnaire 

Ofsted aims to assess SC1 & SC2 forms within 5 working days. 

Ofsted runs local authority checks on each person who has submitted a SC2 form and take up references. Your application will not move onto stage 3 until Ofsted have received: 

  • References for all people connecting to the service 
  • Local authority checks for all people connecting to the service 
  • Any other information we have requested 

The time it takes for your application to move from stage 2 to 3 depends on the time it takes to get the required information.

Site visit and interview with relevant people by Ofsted, who aim to visit your office within 40 working days of your application moving to stage 3. You will be contacted during this time to arrange a visit and told if Ofsted cannot visit within this timeframe. 

At the site visit, Ofsted will need to see evidence that your premises meet the required standards

They will also visit one or more of your premises. If you are offering accommodation provided by an individual or individuals in a private residence (such as supported lodgings), they will ask to visit or speak to some of your supported lodgings ‘hosts’.

Interviews may be held in a different location to the site visit i.e. Ofsted office or other venue.

Ofsted aims to let you know if they’ve granted or refused your application within 7 working days. 

If you need policies and form templates that comply with the new Supported Accommodation (England) Regulations 2023, then aquire our document license and subscribe to ClouDoc today! We have Ofsted registration policies available to support Stage 1 of your application as well as various operative policies and forms to support the everyday functioning of your service. We also offer templates or guides for key documents such as your Statement of Purpose, Location Risk Assessment and Young Person’s Guide

The ClouDoc team is happy to answer any document related queries and frequently update documents. We recommend getting an update subscription for Supported Accommodation for Young People (SAYP) policies & forms as we’ll be updating these according to Ofsted feedback. 

See our Policies & Procedures page for package details or contact us on 0330 808 0050