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November 30th, 2022 by

Ofsted Social Care Update: Children’s Homes Need Strong Leadership and a Stable Workforce

November 2022

Strong leadership and a stable workforce are imperative to the survival of a children’s home. Ofsted is aware that there are many committed leaders and staff delivering excellent care across children’s residential care. However, they know that high levels of staff turnover and not enough experienced staff continue to be a real problem, meaning that some of the most vulnerable children are still being left without the consistent level of care they require. Ofsted has recently been concerned about the impact of high staff turnover, particularly that of registered managers, on the care delivered in recently opened children’s homes.

The early days of a new home can be challenging as staff settle into new roles, teams establish themselves and, most importantly, children come to live in the new home. With this in mind, Ofsted has decided to strengthen its oversight, for example, by asking new homes to inform them when children will start to live there, so they can time their inspections appropriately.

With some new homes, Ofsted has also noticed changes to the manager and Responsible Individual soon after registration. This can leave the home fragile without the consistent leadership that is so essential to maintain quality care. For that reason, Ofsted may bring forward inspections whenever a registered manager leaves a new home within the first six months of registration so they quickly establish that children’s care is getting the oversight and attention it needs.

All prospective leaders should be in conversation with the local children’s social care leaders, so they understand the local workforce supply and the availability of services for children. This includes special schools, in addition to health and mental health provision. Considering these things from the outset will help new homes provide the high-quality continuity of care that children need.

More broadly, Ofsted’s research and inspection activities tell them that the providers of good and outstanding homes regard their staff as their most valuable asset. They recognise the importance of safe recruitment and retention, pay their staff well and invest in their development through effective training and regular supervision. They create a work/life balance culture, which means that staff come to work feeling valued and confident to carry out their work.

Ofsted’s top tips blog is a useful resource for anyone applying to register a children’s home. This is an excellent resource and will provide you with a better understanding of the required preparation and commitment. 

If you’re considering setting up a children’s home, our children’s homes policies and management forms offer a thorough list of well-written, comprehensive and ready-to-use documentation to help your service meet Ofsted regulatory requirements and maintain an excellent service quality standard. 

For more information on how ClouDoc can support you, call us today on 0330 808 0050.