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April 18th, 2024 by

Supported Accommodation: 5 Tips To Ensure Your Registered Service Manager Will Meet Ofsted & DfE Requirements

The Registered Service Manager (RSM) is an individual who Ofsted defines as someone who is “accountable for overseeing the management of all the provider’s settings […] For some smallproviders, it is possible that the individual who is the Registered Provider will also take on the role of the Registered Service Manager.” 

If the Registered Provider runs a service of two or more catergories of supported accommodation, the Registered Service Manager, whether a single individual or in a job share, must be equipped with the skills and experience to run both/all categories. The RSM manages all the provider’s individual settings and ensures that the provider complies with the Regulations. The role of the RSM may differ depending on the size and the nature of the supported accommodation undertaking. For example, as a part of a small provider with only one setting, they might have hands-on day-to-day involvement with the service whereas in a larger organisation, they may conduct their role with the support of a management team overseeing multiple premises. Whatever the size of the operation, the Registered Service Manager needs to have effective oversight and there needs to be an appropriate management and organisational structure.

In this blog, we will be breaking down what you, as the Registered Provider, should be looking for when recruiting a Registered Service Manager, to ensure they will pass their Ofsted RSM interview. If you are looking to be both the Registered Provider and the Registered Service Manager, make sure you follow the tips below in order to meet Ofsted and DfE requirements for the RSM. 

#1 The RSM must be a leader

In the Registered Service Manager interview, your Registered Service Manager must demonstrate that:

  • they have the skills, knowledge and ability to represent your service in a way that promotes both good practice and continuous improvement
  • they have the business and management skills to supervise the management of the service efficiently and effectively
  • they, or another person in the organisation, have the necessary financial skills and expertise to run the service on sound financial basis, including ensuring its long-term financial viability.

To meet the above, the ideal RSM candidate has a Level 5 in Leadership and Management in Residential Child Care or will work towards (thus enrolled onto the course) by time of application. 

#2 The RSM must have good character and health

Ofsted & DfE requirements require the Registered Service Manager to: 

  • Be of integrity and good character
  • Be mentally and physically fit to manage the supported accommodation undertaking. 

#3 The RSM must have the relevant experience

Your Registered Service Manager must have experience of having worked for at least two years, within the five-year period before the day on which they apply to register with OFSTED, in a position relevant to the residential support of children or adults.

#4 The RSM must have the paperwork

The Registered Service Manager must be able to produce: 

  • Proof of identity, including a recent photograph
  • A valid Enhanced with children’s barred list(s) DBS check
  • Two written references, including a reference from their most recent employer
  • If they have previously worked in a position involving work with children or vulnerable adults, verification of the reason why the employment ended
  • Documentary evidence of any qualifications which the person considers relevant for the position for which they are applying to register
  • A full employment history, together with a satisfactory explanation of any gaps in employment, in writing.

#5 The RSM must be prepared!

The RSM has to be prepared for their Ofsted RSM interview. A big part of this interview involves knowing how to present information – stating facts or handing over certificates is not enough. The RSM needs to be able to explain their reasoning and back this up with practical examples of their applicable skills, experience and qualifications and knowledge of policies, forms & procedures. 

ClouDoc provides you with tried and tested templates that your RSM should have read and edited before their interview to make themselves familiar with the processes that will set the foundation of your service. All registration policies (Emergency Contingency, Serious Notifications, Behaviour Management, Recruitment, Safeguarding…) and key documents (Statement of purpose, location risk assessment, business plan and young person’s guide) should interlink, so the RSM should make sure these documents inform each other and that they are familiar with their content and procedures. They will have to provide examples of when they have followed procedures previously and what forms/documents they had used and what they will use in the future. 

For any questions concerning Ofsted registration documents, give ClouDoc a call on 0330 808 0050

Care Agency Media provides additional support and workshops for RSM’s pre and post interview, give them a call on 0800 059 9908